Here is a lesson to all. Don't ever show emotion in public. Someone, someone who claims to be a friend, will photograph it. This is so that whenever you think back to that time e.g. 'oh man, when I got that bear costume as a gift I was so happy', you will start to think 'when I got that bear costume I looked like an ugly retard'. It'd better to be indifferent and then at least have the internal memory for ever. Check out these ugly examples.
This is me being taught the 'snoop dog' handshake by my friend Brett. Here you see the 'no fingerprints, no evidence' move. I have a super secret crush on Snoop Dogg so this was perhaps, honestly, the most exciting thing that happened in September 09. Perhaps. Also I had had a lot of jello shots.

The next two photos are from the night I left Dundee. I was leaving a place I had called home for 5 and a bit years. This was a sad sad night. To make up for all the sadness my besties at work got me the BEST presents anyone has ever gotton. A WOLF FLEECE AND A BEAR SUIT. The reactions captured on the following photographs, though hideously ugly, are explainable and really, I would say quite fitting.
Number one. The wolf fleece.

The thing that really gets me is the strange hand movements. My hands are so tense in these pictures. Really cerebral.
Here's a hand shot to prove my point.

Yeah. So here is the real winner. The bear costume.

That is pure, raw emotion.